Mr. Bob's Teachin' Spot

The Benefits of Florida Water (souffle des anges)

The Benefits of Florida Water (souffle des anges)

Cleansing and blessing spiritually – yourself, your home, or your business – is one of the most important magical practices you should undertake before doing any other work. 

The Benefits of Florida Water (souffle des anges)

Cleansing and blessing spiritually – yourself, your home, or your business – is one of the most important magical practices you should undertake before doing any other work. 

Come Here Oil

Come Here Oil

Are you looking to bring love into your life but don’t know where to start? Or maybe there’s a man or woman in your life already that you’re interested in,...

Come Here Oil

Are you looking to bring love into your life but don’t know where to start? Or maybe there’s a man or woman in your life already that you’re interested in,...

Follow Me Boy Oil

Follow Me Boy Oil

Is there a man you need to get the upper hand over?  A specific man you want in your life, but can’t quite seem to get his full attention?

Follow Me Boy Oil

Is there a man you need to get the upper hand over?  A specific man you want in your life, but can’t quite seem to get his full attention?

Orris Root: The Magical Root For Women

Orris Root: The Magical Root For Women

Have you noticed that there is one root that appears time and time again in magic love spells for women?

Orris Root: The Magical Root For Women

Have you noticed that there is one root that appears time and time again in magic love spells for women?

Simple Money Draw Spell Jar

Simple Money Draw Spell Jar

Sugar has been used in Hoodoo since the time of slavery because it was relatively easy to get a hold of. In Hoodoo workings, including this one, it acts as...

Simple Money Draw Spell Jar

Sugar has been used in Hoodoo since the time of slavery because it was relatively easy to get a hold of. In Hoodoo workings, including this one, it acts as...

How To Win In Court With High John

How To Win In Court With High John

John The Conqueror Can Keep You From Catching a Case

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How To Win In Court With High John

John The Conqueror Can Keep You From Catching a Case

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