The Separation Vinegar Jar

The Separation Vinegar Jar

Vinegar jars are another old Hoodoo working, though they aren’t necessarily used for breaking up a relationship. They’re used to pull two things apart, it’s just that in this case the two things are people.

You’ll need:

  • A jar large enough to hold the ingredients
  • Several whole hot peppers to cause fiery arguments between the couple
  • Calamus root for control – any form of the root or essential oil
  • A handful of black mustard seeds to cause miscommunication
  • Vinegar

Then choose one of these depending on your needs:

  • A handful of poppy seeds to cause confusion


  • A few whole bay leaves to help them think clearly about their choices

Write the names of each person on the back of their photo along with a command to break up with the other person. Place the photos into the jar, along with the other ingredients, and fill about it with the vinegar about three-fourths of the way to the top. 

We want to leave some room at the top because you need to shake the jar a bit every day, to add energy and keep the spirits working. Keep at it until the couple have broken up.

When the results are achieved, you need to be careful disposing of the jar. The safest bet is to bury it at a crossroads, so the energy can be carried far away.

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