Simple Money Draw Spell Jar

Simple Money Draw Spell Jar

The Ingredients


Sugar has been used in Hoodoo since the time of slavery because it was relatively easy to get a hold of. In Hoodoo workings, including this one, it acts as a sweetener to draw something to you.

You’ll need enough sugar to cover up the money in the jar, so the amount will vary depending on the size of your jar.


Hoodoo uses money for spells in many ways. You can find it in mojo bags and conjure oils as key ingredients. Money, usually pennies, is also used to pay spirits when taking dirt from locations like graveyards or crossroads.

Don’t think of money as a physical item, think of it as energy. Think of all the energy people used to work to get it, all the energy those people spent wishing for things it could get them, all that energy it soaked up as it moved from person to person.

The money will both power this spell with its energy, and provide direction to the drawing power of the sugar. Its what tells the sugar what to attract to you. You only need to use a dollar bill, but you can put in more if you can spare it. In magic, as in the rest of life, what you get out of work is usually related to what you put into it.

A Jar

Jars are used in Hoodoo as simple containers, just like mojo bags, to keep the other ingredients together to allow the spell time to work. And you can’t have a money draw jar spell without a jar.

They’re also useful because they’re so common that a visitor to your home can look at it and not realize it’s magical. Secrecy has been important in Hoodoo since the beginning, when the slave owners tried to suppress anything that looked like African religion or magic.

You can use a small jar for this spell, whatever you have handy that’s big enough to contain the money and the sugar.

How to Perform the Spell

  • Put the money into the jar. On the sides or on the bottom, either is fine.
  • Cover it with the sugar.
  • Tell the sugar and your ancestors what you want. Yes, out loud. It doesn’t have to be complicated, and you don’t have to follow a script, and you don’t have to talk like you’re in some bad movie about a witch. But hey, if that’s what you feel, then go with it. What matters is intent and respect for the spirits.

Here’s what we said when we made this money draw jar:

Sugar, I need you to bring me some more of this money. Grandpa, and all you all that came before me, I need some help here.

That’s it!

What Results To Expect

Remember that this is the “simplest” Hoodoo money draw jar spell, not the most powerful. As the spirits get to work for you, expect money to start arriving in small amounts, two dollars here, a $5 there. This spell is more “Karen finally paid me back for lunch the other day” than it is “I won the lottery!“

You can leave the jar out in your kitchen or anywhere else that you’ll see it regularly and renew your intent. If you think the effects are wearing off, just pick up the jar, give it a little shake, and tell the sugar and your ancestors that you still need some help.

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